The typical Vinex allotment of homes with storage areas and the back path, with a sad spatial quality, becomes transformed into a lively residential, working and living environment where there is room for a multitude of functions and a new meaning is given to the back path. Namely as a connector that ensures the bringing residents together and thus the backbone of the community.
Because of the storage rooms in the backyards to transform into a full-fledged program such as a workhouse, a garden studio, a kangaroo house, a studio or a place where the student son or daughter can go to live arises a so-called multi-family plot. The 'back houses' can be financed as part of the regular mortgage for the 'front house' and the intermediate garden becomes to collective patio and connector between the two houses.
The concept is inspired by the London Mews where informality and a certain relaxation important are character traits. In this project has been the main starting point to strengthen these qualities, and not wanting to design everything in advance and/or to establish. That is why we design as a robust basis a brick plinth on which the different residents on different wise and with different budgets and speeds can be hooked up with wooden structures, pergolas and terraces. The brick plinth forms the basis and ensures for cohesion, continuity and unity in image.
Compact, flexible & modular: less energy, less material, less space.
The three-dimensional wooden optop world provides variety and provides that the Back Alley can grow organically according to the needs and wishes of the different inhabitants, without the informality of the area is lost. Modular and flexible in design with room for customization of
own home within a robust framework.
Programma: living, working
Project team: Maikel Super, Maurizio Brambilla, Max Brummer